Photos of Portuguese Ancestors klondike98 February 8, 2021 Photos with “unknown relationship” are from a small photo album that belonged to my Grandmother Margaret Coraor. George Louis Coraor(1879-1954) Walter Vincent Coraor(1884-1968) Margaret Marie Fernandes Coraor Margaret and George L. Coraor Emanuel Baptist Correia Emanuel Baptist Correia (1848-1918) Mary Vieira Correia(1852-1918) Ida McNeil nee Vieira daughter of Joseph Joseph Vieira (1833-1915) John Goveia FernandesMary Day Fernandes John C Vieira Mary C deFreitas Vieira Elizabeth and Belle Vieiradaughters of John C and Mary C Vieira John R. and Abigail Vieira Fernandes Mary C Vieira (ca1822-1916) (unknown relationship) (unknown relationship) (1866-?) son of John Goveia Fernandes Thomas Ferreira Grandson of Joseph Vieira (unknown relationship) (unknown relationship) Sarah T. Goes(unknown relationship) Joaquina Baptisa Correia Lomelino (1850-1932) Maria de Freitas(1800-1886)
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